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Old 08-10-2020, 08:42 PM
RedArrow RedArrow is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: New York
Vehicle: 1986 Volvo 745 TD
Posts: 903
Default o-ring in 740 td intake manifold, rpms `limited` at 3000

I`m adding a new fuel filter again although I doubt my rpm limiting is due to the filter clogged. as i rev the engine the rpms hesitate and hold a little, at about 2800--3000. once it passes 3000 area, it goes up peppier. also..... higher speed revs arent happening unless you really push the car for it. only if floored and even not always then. no weird smokes, no sounds, just it wont rev as it should. runs very beautifully otherwise.
it`s been some time for her doing this. also at a standstill she does that but if you rev it hard (only when WARM) it does reach higher rpms in the end. but it isnt smooth and isnt too quick for her to `skip` the 3000 level. I know i turned the fuel down but that itself shouldnt be the cause of weird rev ranges. esp not a hang issue at around 3000 rpm. I`ll try to adjust a few things tomorrow and check the filter too. i doubt it is related to my filter!

the other engine i saved, the green one that sat for years, had an issue with the fuel adjuster that i had to turn left right left right quite a lot until it `unclogged`. i did that today for the red wagon and will see if it changes tmorrow. it helped the green d24t to be able to rev peppy and return to idle well and also not hang at any rpm range. it used to hang a little and get sticky up there around 2700-3200rms. solved now but idk if red wagon will be cured by just that. I will see the timing too bc belt may have stretched minimally(???) and timing may be a little off. car isnt too fast but that should not limit revs , at all. timing was .93 last time i checked....idk. will see.

In the 700 td intake manifold, somewhere at the front of it, is there an o-ring that can go bad or age and cause a pressure leak?

also, how to adjust properly the boost valve and what is the suggested method to do it right?

where to send injectors for a reliable pro rebuild with proper nozzles, preferrably stock setup not the high kPa versions. also not the crappy nozzles

Last edited by RedArrow; 08-10-2020 at 08:46 PM.
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