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Old 03-31-2012, 12:04 PM
!242TDi !242TDi is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 4

Ok cool... nothing too fancy, just what you'd do to most any diesel. Or most any engine for that matter.

4. While the GPs are out, squirt some oil into the holes, to ensure good ring seal for starting after long inactivity period. About a teaspoonfull each. Not too much to hydrolock.
A teaspoon? Seriously? They'll hydrolock on little more than that? Guess I'll have to get used to it being a small engine. I grew up on Airplane engines and big V8's so.... yeah.... guess it makes sense.

And no beefy bat cables? They short-changed them there too? figures.... seems these poor engines just got the shaft their whole production life.... Do they make/ is there an adaptable hi-torque starter, speaking of spinning it fast?

Anders yes I did! Hows it going sir? This is the same hunk of junk w/ the same potential swap(s) (he's actually not that bad, he's just in pieces b/c I dismantled him to paint him. It looked UGLY before...). And I'm familiar with runaways... I have a Detroit! Just didn't know VE pumps were potentially bad about it if they've been sitting. Guess I had to learn though, seems VE pumps lately have been trying to find me! And yes, I agree a D24T+IC & a T5 in a 242 would rock, hence I'm seriously considering it! Decent mileage + Biodiesel capability, space, versatility, and the ability to beat all but the most ridiculous of cars in most any race. And its (euro-style) old-school cool!
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